Community Enhancement Projects


The Rainbow Garden is a light installation designed to contribute a significant addition to the aesthetic landscape of Muncie’s downtown area while also providing necessary pathway lighting at Canan Commons.
In brief, the eight light poles circumnavigating Canan Commons have been refurbished and repurposed to support a colored acrylic cylinder and LED lighting. Each of the eight cylinders are a different color, with progressive degrees of saturation from top to bottom. During the day, the sun illuminates the colorful cylinders, while at night the cylinders glow with color while also providing ambient lighting for the Commons’ perimeter walkway. Thus, the Rainbow Garden project is both an aesthetic installation as well as a functioning lighting system.
Jeanne Zeigler designed the concept for the Rainbow Garden, and Flatland Resources was engaged to bring the concept to life. The Sherman and Marjorie Zeigler Foundation, Ball Brothers Foundation, and the City of Muncie provided generous funding for the project.
Photos by Jeanne Zeigler.